Hopeful Cities Playbook Now Available!

The Playbook is intended to give cities, counties, states, and countries an accessible and action-oriented resources to activate hope in their own city. As hopelessness is predictive of weapon-carrying on school property, violence, crime, addiction, and more, we must start teaching the ‘what’ of hopelessness, and ‘how’ of hope. This Playbook gives you the resources to do so.

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What we do


Operationalizing hope through science.

Hopeful Cities® is equipping cities around the world with the tools they need to create, maintain, and grow hope, citywide. It is a marketing plan in action. It operationalizes hope as it creates awareness about the importance of it. It teaches while it talks.


Hope is more than a wish, it takes both positive feelings, and inspired actions.

Hopeful Cities® was created based on research that suggests that hope is a teachable skill. This city-wide movement takes that work, and expands it to those that need it. In the workplace. Community. Schools. At home.

Join the Hopeful Cities Movement!

We are working to activate hope around the world. Hope is measurable, definable, and teachable.

All marketing campaign materials are for all to download and are for use in your own city or business. Get your city activated here.







“Once you choose hope, anything is possible.”

Christopher Reeve


Hopeful Cities was started in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic in collaboration with the City of Reno in Nevada, and is working to activate all cities around the world. iFred is a 501(c)3 aimed at rebranding mental health, through the science of hope and is the first to have operationalized hope, globally, in the classroom through Hopeful Minds. The Shine Hope Company joined on board in 2023 to manage the programs, create a global business model and plan through the Hopeful Cities Playbook, and work to fully operationalize and create a Global Movement for Hope.

We use the sunflower and color yellow as international symbols of hope, and ask all around the world to join in the global activation of hope, celebrating May 1st as the International Day for Hope, and joining in a Five Day social media activation campaign of the ‘how to’ of hope. It asks all to paint murals, teach hope in the classrooms, engage workplaces, plant Gardens for Hope, and more. This website provides a comprehensive guide on the ‘how to’ activate, and asks anyone that cares about making communities better.

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Myron Belfer

“Hope is tangible and teachable, and it is an essential ingredient for a successful life trajectory.”

MD, MPA, Hopeful Minds, Professor of Psychiatry Children’s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School

Kathryn Goetzke

“We’ve got to stop just talking about hope as a wish, as it is much more, and there is a robust scientific field in hope.Hopelessness is both a feeling of despair and a sense of helplessness, so we aim to teach individuals the ‘how to’ of getting from despair to positive feelings, and helplessness to inspired action. And share the resources available of where to go for support if they can’t find it. Hope is always possible, though I will never say easy. Yet always, always possible.”

Founder of iFred, Creator of Hopeful Minds, Author of The Biggest Little Book About Hope and host of The Hope Matrix.

Hillary Schieve

“Now, more than ever, people are feeling incredibly isolated…People have been at home for months on end and our lives have changed,” said Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve during the December 2 Reno City Council and Redevelopment Agency Board Meeting. “I think everyone needs to be at the table…I’m grateful for my entire council to realize the magnitude of this [mental health] epidemic.”

Reno Mayor


The materials listed on this website are designed to assist you in learning about hope. They should not be used for medical advice, counseling, or other health-related services. iFred, The Shine Hope Company, and Kathryn Goetzke do not endorse or provide any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided herein should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition and cannot be substituted for the advice of physicians, licensed professionals, or therapists who are familiar with your specific situation. Consult a licensed medical professional, or call 911 if you are in need of immediate assistance.

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