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Hopeful Cities Playbook
Hopeful Cities Playbook

The Hopeful Cities® Playbook is a resource designed to make hope accessible and operational in any city around the world. It is a marketing plan in action that operationalizes hope as it creates awareness about the Science of Hope. It is a step-by-step guide to help cities activate the “how-to” of hope throughout the community.

Hopeful Cities® is equipping cities around the world with the tools they need to create, maintain, and grow hope, citywide. Activate hope in your community now.

Shine Hope Infographic
Shine Hope Infographic

The digital Shine Hope infographic shows the How-to of Hope in trying times. It is a simple way to get started learning the Five Keys to Shine Hope. Fill out the download form using the button below to get your digital copy this infographic.

Five Day Global Hope Challenge

The Five-Day Global Hope Challenge is a five-day challenge ensuring all know the what, why, and how to hope. It reviews what hopelessness is, the Shine Hope framework, and instructs how to measure hope. It is a simple way to get started learning how to Shine Hope.

My Shine Hope Story Template – City of Las Vegas

My Shine Hope Story gives community leaders an avenue to normalize hopelessness and share their unique experiences by using the Shine Hope framework. We all experience moments of hopelessness (i.e., emotional despair and motivational helplessness). How we manage the moments of hopelessness matters.

My Hope Hero Story Template

We suggest you share a recent challenge, large or small. We encourage you to spend 20% of the time describing what the hopelessness was about (sadness, anger, fear, and powerlessness). We then ask you to spend 80% of the story sharing how you overcame it.

Hopeful Minds Parent’s Guide

The Hopeful Minds Parent’s Guide provides a broad overview of the concepts discussed in the Hopeful Minds curriculums, and provides parents with easy ways to implement the Five Keys to Shine Hope (Stress Skills, Happy Habits, Inspired Actions, Nourishing Networks, and Eliminating Challenges) and hopeful language in the home. It is helpful when parents reinforce hope language at home, so the family can practice together.

Hopeful Minds Overview Educator’s Guide

The Hopeful Minds Overview is a curriculum designed to give children an introduction to the “what,” “why,” and “how” of hope. The curriculum includes three, one-hour lessons that introduce the key tools needed to create, maintain, and grow hope. Additionally, the curriculum includes background information for educators, supplemental resources, classroom visuals, and a Hopework Book for students.

Hopeful Minds Overview Hopework Book

The Hopeful Minds® Overview Hopework Book is the student workbook that accompanies the Hopeful Minds Overview Educator Guide. The Hopework Book includes colorful worksheets, activities, and visuals that supplement the Hopeful Mind Overview Educator’s Guide.

Hopeful Minds Deep Dive Educator’s Guide

The Hopeful Minds® Deep Dive Educator Guide is a scripted curriculum designed for educators (or anyone working with children) to give children a deeper understanding of the core components of hope. The curriculum includes 16, 45-minute lessons that explore the tools needed to create, maintain, and grow hope, background information for educators, supplemental resources, classroom visuals, and a Hopework Book for students. 

Each lesson also includes a Hope Hero spotlight: a story highlighting positive role models who are using the skills in the curriculum to overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. The Hope Heroes in the Hopeful Minds®Deep Dive include Dwayne Johnson, Lady Gaga, Chrissy Teigen, Fred Rogers, Sam Walton, Arianna Huffington, Ken Jeong, Serena Williams, Oprah Winfrey, John McCain, Bill and Melinda Gates, Shaka Senghor, Bruce Springsteen, Zak Williams, George W. Bush, and Michelle Obama. 

While this curriculum is geared towards 5th grade students, it can be easily adapted for any age range (adults included), and can be utilized in any setting (such as schools, after-school programs, places of worship, hospitals, offices, and more). This curriculum has been specially designed to be used for either classroom or remote learning.

The curriculum reinforces all eight National Health Education Standards as set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), meets Social Emotional Learning (SEL) guidelines, and promotes empathy and anti-bullying behaviors.

The Hopeful Minds® Deep Dive Educator Guide is based on research that suggests hope is a measurable and teachable skill. Hope impacts all outcomes in life, including academic achievement, athletic performance, health, and resilience. 

The curriculum was developed by a global advisory board, has been featured as an innovation by the World Bank, and was created using hope theory informed by researchers around the world. 

Hopeful Minds Deep Dive Hopework Book

The Hopeful Minds® Deep Dive  Hopework Book is the student workbook that accompanies the Hopeful Minds Deep Dive Educator Guide. The Hopework Book includes colorful worksheets, activities, and visuals that supplement the Hopeful Minds Deep Dive Educator’s Guide. 

Hopeful Minds Teen Hopeguide

Hope is measurable, and teachable. Tested and approved by teens, the ‘Hopeful Minds®for Teens’ program is a 12-module workbook that introduces the Five Keys to SHINE Hope™: Stress Skills, Happiness Habits, Inspired Actions, Nourishing Networks, and Eliminating Challenges. This comprehensive approach empowers teens to navigate challenges, embrace positivity, and empower resilience. 

The workbook employs a peer-to-peer teaching style, encouraging both individual reflection and group discussions. Interactive elements such as engaging activities, games, creative expressions, worksheets, and puzzles enhance the learning experience. The workbook itself is the curriculum, so educators are not necessary for use. We encourage having facilitators, yet it is designed for anyone to use.

It is based on the award-winning Hopeful Minds®program, and is intended for teens to do together. As in the US alone 57% of teen girls are identifying with persistent hopelessness, we encourage entire schools and classrooms to do the program. It is a proactive, protective approach to mental health. These are skills all youth need to learn, and are able to be implemented in classrooms, after-school programs, places of worship, and more. Anywhere that teens gather, this program is encouraged for use.

As hopelessness predicts violence, addiction, self-harm, and suicide, the aim is to ensure all know how to hope. Hope is a protective factor for anxiety and depression, and those higher in hope are more likely to live long lives, be engaged at work, graduate from school, and have positive relationships. Hope is a necessary skill for all we want in life.

Postcards – City of Las Vegas
Moments of Hope Cards – City of Las Vegas
Moments of Hope Cards – City of Las Vegas

Share the gift of hope with our Moments of Hope Cards. These pocket-sized educational cards feature inspiring hope *quotes on one side and tips on how to Shine Hope on the other. Give to friends, family members, at work, and in the community.

Turn your next moment with another into a Moment of Hope. Each card is printed on standard business card-sized paper, coated for durability, and has a smooth, matte finish.

Teen Shine Hope Brochure – City of Las Vegas

Elevate your knowledge of hope with our Teen Shine Hope Brochure. Display it in your waiting room, distribute it at work, give it to teen students, put it in a library, or give it to a friend.  Included are tips on the SHINE Hope framework, and resources that are available to elevate in your life and with others.

Shine Hope Brochure – City of Las Vegas

Elevate your knowledge of hope with our digital Shine Hope Brochure. Display it in your waiting room, distribute it at work, give it to students, put it in a library, or give it to a friend.  Included are tips on the Shine Hope™ framework, and resources that are available to elevate in your life and with others.

Posters – City of Las Vegas
Posters – City of Las Vegas
Billboards – City of Las Vegas
Billboards – City of Las Vegas
Yard Signs – City of Las Vegas
Yard Signs – City of Las Vegas
Social Media Ads – City of Las Vegas
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